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  • Gorgeous Corner Unit

    Stunning walnut coloured wood corner unit, or it may be wood effect not sure. it has 6 shelfs, 3 large ones at the bottom and 3 smaller ones at the top, fits into a corner perfectly. There is small chipping at the very...

    For Sale : £20

    Gorgeous Corner Unit
Lincoln listings on Ebay...

Looking for items relating to Lincoln? Listed below are various items that may be of interest to you. Listings are updated from eBay UK.

Lincoln Items For Sale
Lincoln and the Magna Carta [brand new book]Lincoln and the Magna Carta [brand new book]
The period 1215-1217 was crucial in English history and the incredible national events of those years intertwine with the story of Lincoln. One of the four remaining examples is now on display at Lincoln Castle.
Vintage Lincoln & Lincolnshire Ordance Survey Maps (Lincoln, Skegness, Ingham)Vintage Lincoln & Lincolnshire Ordance Survey Maps (Lincoln, Skegness, Ingham)
Vintage Lincoln & Lincolnshire Ordance Survey Maps (Lincoln, Skegness, Ingham)
Lincoln's Table by Donna McCreary H/BLincoln's Table by Donna McCreary H/B
This hardcover book, published by Lincoln Presentations in 2008, is a learning aid for adults who are interested in non-fiction narratives about food and cookery. The book features a dust jacket, making it an attractive addition to any bookshelf.
History of Co-operation in Lincoln 1861-1911 D McInnes 1911History of Co-operation in Lincoln 1861-1911 D McInnes 1911
Nice copy
Story of Lincoln - Abell & Chambers - 1939 hbkStory of Lincoln - Abell & Chambers - 1939 hbk
Good copy
Short History of Lincoln - Francis HillShort History of Lincoln - Francis Hill
Good clean copy
Lincoln Official GuideLincoln Official Guide
Good copy. No date but possibly late '50s from some of the photos and definitely before the Racecourse closed in 1964.
Bartholomew's Revised Half-inch Contoured CLOTH Map Lincoln Fens sheet 14 1924Bartholomew's Revised Half-inch Contoured CLOTH Map Lincoln Fens sheet 14 1924
Some areas of wear (see pics) but map complete
Bartholomew's Reduced Survey for Tourists & Cyclists -  Lincoln Fens 1904 (s 14)Bartholomew's Reduced Survey for Tourists & Cyclists - Lincoln Fens 1904 (s 14)
Good copy
Aircraft Made in Lincoln (John Walls & Charles Parker)Aircraft Made in Lincoln (John Walls & Charles Parker)
Very good copy
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